Monthly Archives: October 2015

Hear Me Roar


Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me – or so the old adage goes. But what if you’ve been fooled more times than you can count? Or even worse…what if you’ve just been fooling yourself? These are the fun thoughts that run through your mind when you’re a 20-something and attempting to navigate the treacherous world of dating. “Treacherous?!”, you say, slightly baffled by my perhaps hyperbolic description of what is supposed to be a *super fun* pastime that involves drinks, laughs and suggestive glances. Exaggerate I do not. Love is indeed a battlefield, my friends. And one must share their war stories in order to get out of the trenches.  Continue reading

Fall Reading List


Autumn has arrived – in all its chunky knits and pumpkin spiced latté glory. Praise be the season of crispness, I no longer must arrive at any given destination a perspiring disaster! Hallelujah! Fall has always been my absolute favourite season. I just love the feeling that arrives once summer has come to an end (for the most part – I will miss patio season and do not welcome the ghoulish pallor my skin will soon take on). To me autumn ushers in an abundance of soup (#1 food), strolls on cool nights, and new beginnings. Despite my school days being long behind me, that spark of productivity is still present every September. The benefit of that lingering feeling being there, but not actually being an enrolled student? You can add whatever you want to your ‘to-do’ list and complete it at your own pace. No grades. No deadlines. No crotchety profs breathing down your neck. The first thing I must begin to tackle using the motivation sprung from my phantom academic limb is the fresh pile of books I’ve added to my shelf.  Continue reading