Monthly Archives: January 2016

Important ANTI Takeaways


Yesterday was hard. Partly because I had a raging head cold. Partly because it was a very gloomy day. But mostly because Rihanna released her new album, ANTI. It was truly difficult to focus and get much done, since all I wanted to do was get better acquainted with the newly released and much anticipated songs – learning the lyrics and melodies. It’s also worth noting that it was especially difficult to dance to, since this cold seems to have wreaked havoc on my equilibrium and energy levels. Thus, the resulting dance moves were wobbly and in slow motion – perhaps I’ll start a new craze that’ll drive the youths wild. Despite the critics divided opinions – ‘it’s messy’, ‘not enough bangers’- I’m into it. I like the overall vibe, the sung sentiments, and especially the variety of badgalriri sounds. Her pop sound is met with an edgier, more creative and personal flare that just proves RiRi’s still got it and then some. Here are 5 poignant takeaway lyrics that will help you live your life with both more clarity and more spunk – á la the badgal herself.  Continue reading

What’s Your Sign, Baby?


I’m no Miss Cleo, and certainly can’t hold a light to Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone, but I do like to dabble in the fine art of horoscope crafting. Am I spiritually in touch with the cosmos? No, not really. Am I qualified to predict your future? Not any more than the next guy. Do I think that reading a positive horoscope may help you to approach the upcoming year, month, week or day with a little more pep in your step? Most definitely. The first month of 2016 is about to come to an end – and in a lot of ways it has thus far felt like the same old shit, just a new year. Leave the *NEW YEAR NEW ME* codswallop in the dust – you’re fine just the way you are. Instead, turn to the stars and demand that they start working for you, honey!  Continue reading