Tag Archives: music

Gal Pal V-Day Tunez


Continuing on the Galentine’s Day train of thought I thought it might be good to focus in on the *spontaneous dance party* portion of your celebration. This is a necessary component to any top notch Galentine’s Day party – well, actually, to any party worth its salt. Spontaneous dance parties are good for the soul and create a bond with your friends like no other. A true spontaneous dance party will have your friends exhibiting dance moves and behaviours you’ve probably never seen before – this is their true silly selves – take it all in and join in the fun. The sheer joy of letting your guard down, dancing your little heart out, and laughing your ass off when you look up and realize the trance-like state of jubilation your pals are in surely will add years to your life. I’ve compiled a list of tunez to help you and your girls get their dance on – so go forth, do as the old adage from our tweens says, and dance like nobody’s watching! Continue reading

Important ANTI Takeaways


Yesterday was hard. Partly because I had a raging head cold. Partly because it was a very gloomy day. But mostly because Rihanna released her new album, ANTI. It was truly difficult to focus and get much done, since all I wanted to do was get better acquainted with the newly released and much anticipated songs – learning the lyrics and melodies. It’s also worth noting that it was especially difficult to dance to, since this cold seems to have wreaked havoc on my equilibrium and energy levels. Thus, the resulting dance moves were wobbly and in slow motion – perhaps I’ll start a new craze that’ll drive the youths wild. Despite the critics divided opinions – ‘it’s messy’, ‘not enough bangers’- I’m into it. I like the overall vibe, the sung sentiments, and especially the variety of badgalriri sounds. Her pop sound is met with an edgier, more creative and personal flare that just proves RiRi’s still got it and then some. Here are 5 poignant takeaway lyrics that will help you live your life with both more clarity and more spunk – á la the badgal herself.  Continue reading

Top Albums of 2015

2015 top tunez

2015 was what it was. I’m not exactly looking back on the past 365 days and feeling particularly victorious or nostalgic. In fact, I’m quite keen for a fresh year to begin and am power posing in preparation. And let’s be honest here, 2016 just sounds way better (#EvenNumbersRule #OddNumbersDrool). 2015 came, it went, and I guess if we’re keeping tabs, it conquered. So what, who cares?! But 2015 wasn’t all bad. Great fashion, great fun, and above all else – absolutely dope tunez. So many wonderful albums sang their wonderful melodies to me that I feel it is my duty to return the favour and sing their praises before the clock strikes midnight. Continue reading

An Ode To Grimes


Excuse me while I fan girl out of orbit for a little but – but guys – Grimes is my all time favourite. My absolute jam. Though I only happened upon her a mere 4 years ago, I’m sure, that on some spiritual level I’ve always loved her. Surely it was written in the cosmos that this was the music for me. This is where my dance moves and attempts at Mariah Carey level pitch flourish. Girly, dancey, pop-y, BUT – and this is important – very, very weird. In a GREAT way. Unique. A perspective on pop that is *fresh*, creative, and experimental. I’ve spent the last few years listening to her previous albums, VisionsGeidi Primes, and Darkbloom with abandon, but her recently released album, Art Angels, has had me completely entranced since my pre-ordered copy popped up on my iPhone 2 weeks ago. It is heaven. Continue reading

Must Watch: Master Of None


Excellent T.V. shows are similar to a passing comet. Majestic in their quality, a wonder to behold, and only obliges we earthlings every so-many years. It’s fleeting, but magnificent . While the networks churn out an endless stream of new shows each season, the truly amazing ones are becoming fewer and farther between. And the ones that start out great tend become trite before the season ends. HBO used to be the go-to for top notch shows, but in this new digital frontier, Netflix is the one to beat. Recently the online streaming service released Master Of None, created by the oh-so-endearing Aziz Ansari – and it’s nothing short of masterful. Continue reading

Great New Music Expectations


New releases – they make my world go round (not to mention the entertainment industry as well). I’m constantly keeping track of dates of what’s about to come out – whether it’s the next Paul Thomas Anderson movie, the premiere of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, or the upcoming designer collab with H&M. While a new release is thrilling, despite my excitement for whatever it is, you will never find me waiting in line for hours, or elbowing girls in the mall for that last Balmain sweater. However, there is one type of release I can pre-order from the comfort of my home, so even if I forget it’s coming out, I’m one of the first (of many) to experience the novelty. I speak of new music, my friends, sweet sweet new tunez.  Continue reading

Stuck In My Head Pt.1

palo alto headphones

I don’t consider myself a particularly unfocused individual, but when it comes to my taste in music – I’m easily swayed and suffer (though the affliction is a positive one) from mild TADD (Tunez Attention Deficit Disorder). While I am convicted in stance as to what I like and dislike, the genre and vibe can change at any given moment. Sometimes I’m a pretentious asshole and presume I won’t be *into* a catchy pop tune, but next thing you know – I’m boppin’ along to Selena with the best of them and this top 40 hit has become my anthem. Other times I think I’m *over* electronic dancey beats – but sure enough, an interesting synth or drum sample makes its way into a DJ’s latest track and I’m hooked all over again. It’s probably best to approach music with a sense of fluidity – this way you experience new sounds and are privy to a wide range of ear candy. Here’s a playlist of what I currently cannot stop listening to.  Continue reading

Girl Band Hopeful


My sweet mother is constantly calling me out for not having a hobby. “I like fashion, reading, movies, TV, music, *blogging*, eating ‘n cooking, exercising, partying, and doodling! Doesn’t that count?!” I retort with the exasperated angst of my teenage glory. In a way, I guess she is kind of right. I suppose a true hobby is something that lies outside the realm of just plain interests, something that you put your precious time into, and something that you are constantly learning, growing with, and improving on. At the beginning of the summer I hoped to pick up a new hobby, and ladies and gentleman – I have finally landed on a winner – I’m going to learn electric guitar and it’s all thanks to the inspiration that my favourite girl bands have provided me. Continue reading

An Ode To Spooky Tunez


Since a young age I’ve had a strong affinity towards spooky music. I can remember being around the age of 4 or 5, and lying on the floor of my grandmother’s living room, listening to the creepiest children’s song ever – Skin and Bones by Raffi. I absolutely loved it. From my position on the carpet I would make ghostly movements with my fingers and arms, and thoroughly creep myself out listening to the lyrics that described graveyards and bones laying around – but it made no difference – I’d ask to have the song played again, absolutely delighted. Recently I was at a music festival enjoying some of said spooky music when a friend, less enthralled by the glory that is this genre, skeptically (though gently) asked what this type of music was called. Of course I turned to the ever wonderful *spooky* adjective, going on to paint a fuller picture of the sounds we were experiencing by tying in haunted house and Blair Witch imagery. I’m not sure my explanation was very convincing, but it certainly sent chills up my spine. In my mind – the more goosebumps, the better. Here’s a playlist of some of my very favourite spooky tunez.  Continue reading

Whassin My Bag?


After spending a few summers cramming as many music festivals as my wallet/calendar permits, I think I’ve learned a thing or two. This isn’t my first rodeo, as they say in the Wild West. For starters, it pays to make friends with those around you – they may offer to save your spot while you dart to the port-o-potty or give you a boost on their shoulders if you happen to be vertically challenged (such as myself). Also, do not make the mistake of wearing flimsy or uncomfortable shoes – you’re going to be dancing around like a maniac, people stepping on your feet, and may have to deal with a muddy terrain. Don’t be one of the cursed few whose poor sandal gets left behind in a puddle of mud – a Cinderella situation is unlikely to result. Finally, do not go in with the misconception that your brassiere is a safe place to hide things – security is going to grope and snap it whether you’re warned or not – so not worth it. Perfecting the packing of your bag for the day is also of great importance – here’s a list of must-brings to get you through any festival day – come hell or high water.  Continue reading