Tag Archives: youtube

Gal Pal V-Day Tunez


Continuing on the Galentine’s Day train of thought I thought it might be good to focus in on the *spontaneous dance party* portion of your celebration. This is a necessary component to any top notch Galentine’s Day party – well, actually, to any party worth its salt. Spontaneous dance parties are good for the soul and create a bond with your friends like no other. A true spontaneous dance party will have your friends exhibiting dance moves and behaviours you’ve probably never seen before – this is their true silly selves – take it all in and join in the fun. The sheer joy of letting your guard down, dancing your little heart out, and laughing your ass off when you look up and realize the trance-like state of jubilation your pals are in surely will add years to your life. I’ve compiled a list of tunez to help you and your girls get their dance on – so go forth, do as the old adage from our tweens says, and dance like nobody’s watching! Continue reading

Great New Music Expectations


New releases – they make my world go round (not to mention the entertainment industry as well). I’m constantly keeping track of dates of what’s about to come out – whether it’s the next Paul Thomas Anderson movie, the premiere of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, or the upcoming designer collab with H&M. While a new release is thrilling, despite my excitement for whatever it is, you will never find me waiting in line for hours, or elbowing girls in the mall for that last Balmain sweater. However, there is one type of release I can pre-order from the comfort of my home, so even if I forget it’s coming out, I’m one of the first (of many) to experience the novelty. I speak of new music, my friends, sweet sweet new tunez.  Continue reading

Dance Floor Diaries


It is officially that time in my life when friends have paired off with their one true loves, and are tying the knot. A very exciting time for any single, 27 year old female. But really, I’m thrilled for these pals, sincerely wish them a lifetime of happiness, and could not be more eager to celebrate their love! The last time I was a guest at a wedding I was just a young’en, sporting a poofy dress, and running around the dance floor like an absolute hooligan. The only things I anticipate being different now that I’m older is the lack of poof to my dress and access to the bar, which no doubt will mean the running around the dance floor like a hooligan part will stay exactly the same (if not on an amplified level). Here’s a playlist of my absolute favourite dance floor jams – making a fool myself a 100% guarantee.  Continue reading

Dream Tunez: Endless Summer + Field Trip Edition


All the evidence points to one thing – that summer in the city has arrived. Days have been spent in parks and on patios, my glaringly pale legs have made more than their fair (pun intended) share of embarrassing public appearances, and outdoor music festival season is in full swing. The thrill of seeing music live is one of my greatest joys, but the thrill of seeing it at a well-organized and well-attended outdoor festival? That’s a whole other ball game. It’s my jam. I love it and look forward to it all year long. This week my ears are going to be treated to a handful of outdoor performances by some of my all time favourite artists c/o the Endless Summer Tour and Arts & Crafts’ Field Trip. Continue reading

Fin de Semaine Best In Show


Weekend attire can go one of three ways:

  1. You’re in the mood to get all gussied up and perhaps paint the town red.
  2. You’re having a casual weekend, and a nice pair of jeans and cozy, chic sweater is all that you require to hit the flea and farmer’s markets.
  3. You’re taking full advantage of the end of the week to stay in, full on hermit style: same flannel, leggings, and cozy socks day after day.

Leave it to Lady Gaga to up the ante and sport this amazing look this weekend.

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All day I have seen the still frame for this YouTube video that has been storming the interweb. I’ve finally just gotten around to watching it. Filmmaker Tatia Pllieva paired up 10 folks who didn’t know each other, had never smooched one another before, and then filmed them kissing for the first time.

This video is so sweet and simply beautiful. It perfectly captured such an affectionate moment, both the mildly uncomfortable intro and then the disregard for anyone watching candor, between strangers. The awkwardness is adorable, as are the participants, and will surely make you smile.
