Monthly Archives: January 2015

Film Guide to Your Hibernation

WINTER MOVIESCongratulations! You’ve almost made it through the bleak month of January. Sure your pores have frozen and your spirit has taken a few hits, but you’re almost in the clear. The January Blues can take strong hold of your psyche, and this cold as a witches teat weather does not offer any extra incentive to get out of bed. It would be best if those of us most afflicted were offered a ‘get out of January free’ card that allowed us the peace of mind to keep cozy under the covers, watch a ton of movies, and just plain hibernate.

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Monsters Inc. SS15


When you think of Coach, you tend to think of an endless sea of monogrammed C’s in all sorts of colours and styles. Personally I never thought of Coach beyond its leathergoods – that was – until Stuart Vevers took over as the executive creative director and breathed new life into the classic brand. Continue reading

Interests Include Frocks and Flicks


This week, the second full week of the year 2015, seemed fairly unremarkable. In fact, it was rather dull. We’re embarking on that portion of the winter season where the days begin to blend into one another – one shade of grey bleeding more grey into the next, until we’re drowning in a pool of grey and pleading with Jack Frost to give us just a few moments of thaw. It is on these dull days that I am especially thankful for people like Monsieur Galliano and Oscar to brighten and inspire. Continue reading

If Anybody Asks – We’re Just Stargazing


A new year has begun and with it we are given as fresh a slate as we’re ever going to get. The remaining line of dust that we’ve spent 2014 trying to sweep up, can now be swept under the rug so to speak. Forget those nagging neuroses and the to-do items that were never crossed off your list from the past year. You’ve been granted a fresh, gleaming strand of another 365 days to have a go at!  Continue reading