Monthly Archives: July 2015

Whassin My Bag?


After spending a few summers cramming as many music festivals as my wallet/calendar permits, I think I’ve learned a thing or two. This isn’t my first rodeo, as they say in the Wild West. For starters, it pays to make friends with those around you – they may offer to save your spot while you dart to the port-o-potty or give you a boost on their shoulders if you happen to be vertically challenged (such as myself). Also, do not make the mistake of wearing flimsy or uncomfortable shoes – you’re going to be dancing around like a maniac, people stepping on your feet, and may have to deal with a muddy terrain. Don’t be one of the cursed few whose poor sandal gets left behind in a puddle of mud – a Cinderella situation is unlikely to result. Finally, do not go in with the misconception that your brassiere is a safe place to hide things – security is going to grope and snap it whether you’re warned or not – so not worth it. Perfecting the packing of your bag for the day is also of great importance – here’s a list of must-brings to get you through any festival day – come hell or high water.  Continue reading

Dream Tunez: Hillside Edition


Despite an affinity for fresh produce, the outdoors, and the fashion and music of the 60’s, I have never considered myself a hippie. Patchouli, bare feet, and communal livin’ just ain’t for me. The drum circles at the park tend to irritate me, and I have no desire to grab a tambourine and dance to the rhythm of Mother Earth’s movement. However, after living in the beautiful city of Guelph for 4 years, my heart has opened up to a simpler type of living. Particularly when that life includes the wonderful music festival that is Hillside.  Continue reading

Wedding Etiquette

do's and don'ts

I wholeheartedly believe and preach that you should always try your best to be your true self in all social situations – off-beat humour, strange opinions, muumuu’s – the whole genuine, package. How else are you supposed to form any sincere connections otherwise? Drop any acts, and just be you, honey boo boo. However, I also think it’s important to follow some basic rules of thumb to keep from stepping too far outside the acceptable social boundaries. Some scenarios call for certain acceptable behaviours, and definite no-no’s exist. For example, at a work party, don’t hook up with a co-worker, don’t hug the boss frequently, and don’t get so inebriated that you attempt to perform the worm on the dance floor. It’s better to know these things ahead of time, rather than learning these mistakes among friends and esteemed colleagues. Another example of a social gathering that requires a healthy dose of good behaviour is holy matrimony – so without further hesitation – here are the (I) dos’ and don’ts of wedding etiquette.  Continue reading

Dance Floor Diaries


It is officially that time in my life when friends have paired off with their one true loves, and are tying the knot. A very exciting time for any single, 27 year old female. But really, I’m thrilled for these pals, sincerely wish them a lifetime of happiness, and could not be more eager to celebrate their love! The last time I was a guest at a wedding I was just a young’en, sporting a poofy dress, and running around the dance floor like an absolute hooligan. The only things I anticipate being different now that I’m older is the lack of poof to my dress and access to the bar, which no doubt will mean the running around the dance floor like a hooligan part will stay exactly the same (if not on an amplified level). Here’s a playlist of my absolute favourite dance floor jams – making a fool myself a 100% guarantee.  Continue reading

MVP Beauty Cart


In the world of *beauty*, I’m a bit of an outsider looking in, à la Nick Carraway. I’d still consider myself a beginner – continuing to educate myself in what looks good, what’s new, and how to put it on my face properly, but my aspirations to one day become a beauty expert are quite lofty. Unfortunately I fall especially short in terms of actually owning a respectable collection of beauty products. Rather I tend to hold the philosophy that my current supply is good to the very last drop. I rarely buy new products, or mix up my routine to reflect the beauty trends of the moment. Well, that’s all about to change, my current beauty cart is bursting with goods. The last step on the road to becoming a beauty expert? Actually proceeding to the checkout…

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The Rêve Head Card Shop

IMG_2662Since I was a wee lass I’ve always loved making cards – birthdays, thank yous, get betters, kudos you did its – you name it, I crafted them. Since I enjoy making cards ever so much and find it necessary to have some sort of creative outlet, I figured why not share the love with you guys – so I started an Etsy shop! Huzzah! If you’re ever in need of a card, check out the shop at the top of the site, or send me a message if there’s something specific you’d like made! I would simply love to help you celebrate!

ALSO – If you’re ever in the Guelph area, I have some cards stocked at my pal Carolyn’s fantastic shop, OUTPOST Vintage+Thrift. This place is a one stop shop to treat yo’ self to the most amazing vintage finds you’ll ever lay your eyes on, gifts for pals, and a card to go with that gift 😉

Summer Reading List Pt. 1


Apart from music festivals, pitchers of sangria, and my never-ending desire for new sandals, books are by far my biggest summer expenditure. The splurge tends to happen before heading up to my cottage in Algonquin Park (tower of magazines in tow, as well). Up North there is no electricity, meaning I go for days at a time sans texting, Instagram, Netflix, Facebook etc. Not only is it a great chance to unplug and unwind, but the opportunity arises to sit by the lake all day and devour an entire pile of books on my must-read list (as well as devour a pile of cheese and crackers, and not to mention my Scrabble opponents – cottage life is where it’s at yo). Sadly this summer I am missing the grand exodus to the great North, and will be city-bound for the season. No matter, my pile of new books just arrived from Amazon, and I’m ready to dive in – so without further ado  – I present to you Part 1 of my Summer Reading List.  Continue reading

25¢ Horoscopes

IMG_2866Give me a quarter, I’ll tell you your fortune, I love quarters, give me one! That phrase, which came straight from the mouth of the coin gypsy machine at the theatre, was perhaps my very favourite fit-of-giggles phrase growing up. To think, for just 25 cents you could be told what your future held. Times were much simpler then. Instead of losing all our quarters to an electronic clairvoyant, we now turn to the stars, the zodiac, in hopes of catching a glimpse of what’s to come. I’m not sure how much faith I actually put into horoscopes, but it’s nice to start the month with some focus, whether it be a pile of codswallop or not. Perhaps it’s all B.S., but maybe if you read that the month of July is your month to be lucky-in-love, you’ll approach the next 31 days with a more open heart. The case of the positive self-fulfilling prophecy. In case you’re too busy to put good vibes out into the universe, I’ll do it for you. Here’s what the stars have written for you this summer.  Continue reading

Summer Resolutions


Typically the beginning of the year is considered the appropriate time to construct a list of resolutions, and the summer is the time of year to construct a bucket list. But, come January 1st I tend to be stressed out enough with the suspense of the year ahead, and don’t need a list of resolutions to add to the angst. Then in the summer I find a bucket list creates the same type of pressure – the pressure to fulfill expectations, keep busy, and have so much fun all the time yay! Not that I don’t perform well under pressure, but I’m perfectly content to set personal intentions, and partake in fun summer activities at my own leisure. So this summer I’m setting seasonal resolutions (shorter time frame, less pressure/probability of failure), and just letting the bucket fill as it goes (no list required). Continue reading