Category Archives: HEALTH&BEAUTY

Your True Self(ie)


The Jekyll and Hyde of the 21st century is not a mad scientist struggling with split-personality disorder, but more likely, a savvy millennial struggling with whether or not they should post something online. I often feel that there’s an inner battle taking place in my psyche — between the part of me that strives to be an enigma, and the other, that’s cool with oversharing even if it’s TMI. The past few months have been justifiably hard for me, and during that time, I felt this uncomfortable disconnect on the regular. This feeling of wanting to share what was going on through a photo, or post, but finding that my finger stalled as soon as I actually had to click ‘share’. Continue reading

Greetings from the Unknown

unknownheader-e1467041729669As a society, we can’t help but have a fascination with the unknown; it’s human nature to want to be able to answer questions we don’t (or won’t) have the answers to, and use every tool at our disposal to break down those walls and remove any uncertainty. Spoiler Alert: I don’t profess to know what the hell I’m talking about, but if I were to hazard a guess, perhaps it’s because the unknown scares us – it takes away that sense of control we so love, and leaves us at the whim of the forces of nature. Whether it’s pondering the ever-expanding universe or why your newest crush has yet to text you back, the unknown always has the one up. While I’m currently burdened with many unknowns, the one that is burdening me most is, cancer. Continue reading

The Power of Glitter


Deep down and #nofilter, I definitely shine bright like a diamond. However, upon first glance or even after our first handful of encounters, this diamond status may not necessarily be apparent. My shiny brightness doesn’t always make itself known – even if I want (or need) it to. I guess you could say I’m an introvert whose eccentricities are sometimes muffled by occasional social anxieties. I have witty things to say, but can’t always get them out. I have bold opinions, but I may not be able to express them in more than a whisper. I have big ideas, but they may sit on a shelf, at the back of my mind, collecting dust until I’m in the right mood. Continue reading

Treat Yo’ Self: Naked Beauty Bar


As I have previously proclaimed on many occasions – I am not a fan of being poked, prodded, and rubbed pampered. Do I like getting my hair cut? Of course I do, I’m not a complete heathen. But do I like getting my head massaged before partaking in said cut? The answer is a big – HELL NO. What about manicures, you ask? Well, I gave them a try once in the 9th grade – but the 40-something manicurist, Jimmy, and his long-haired mole combined with the film of nail dust coating every surface of the salon made for a truly horrifying experience. At the beginning of the summer, however, I noticed that a pristinely lovely salon had opened up in my neighbourhood. I knew it was time to face my fear, and offer myself up for a new manicure experience. Turned out, it wasn’t scary at all – in fact, it was quite wonderful. Let me introduce you to Naked Beauty Bar. Continue reading

MVP Beauty Cart


In the world of *beauty*, I’m a bit of an outsider looking in, à la Nick Carraway. I’d still consider myself a beginner – continuing to educate myself in what looks good, what’s new, and how to put it on my face properly, but my aspirations to one day become a beauty expert are quite lofty. Unfortunately I fall especially short in terms of actually owning a respectable collection of beauty products. Rather I tend to hold the philosophy that my current supply is good to the very last drop. I rarely buy new products, or mix up my routine to reflect the beauty trends of the moment. Well, that’s all about to change, my current beauty cart is bursting with goods. The last step on the road to becoming a beauty expert? Actually proceeding to the checkout…

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Festival Hairspiration


Picture this – a sea of swaying people all wearing the same Instagram approved trends. These trends trickled down from Coachella, to Governors Ball, and have now made their way to the festival crowd you’re currently dancing in. I myself am one of those sheep following the flock, despite my personal notion that the vibe I’m projecting is one of a kind, the truth is – it’s not. You can’t throw a discarded $20 beer can without hitting someone wearing a flower crown, denim cut-offs, or some form of fringe. While my stance is firm that my cut-offs and semi-crop tops will always be my festival uniform (as I cannot be bothered to rethink it), I am willing to put a little more thought into my festival ‘do. Here are some unique hair styles to attempt at your next festival. Inspiration c/o your favourite lady rock stars.  Continue reading

℞ for Sweet Dreams

Rx to Dream

I cherish nothing quite as much as I do a good night’s sleep. That’s why when sleep is disturbed by the ever-turning cogs of my mind, or meowing cats, or the bass of the restaurant below, it is essential that the situation be remedied a.s.a.p. In the past I’ve turned to ear plugs, melatonin, counting sheep – anything for a little shut eye. I’m also open, however, to sleep tapes. While I’m sure there are some actual clinically tested sleep tapes with soothing voices telling you to forget your troubles and just drift off, I’ve compiled a more interesting set of options to help send you on your way to dreamland.  Continue reading

Just Eat It: Cauliflower

CAULIFLOWERAs I was not raised particularly religiously – Veggie Tales was not a big part of my upbringing. I got my morals from my mama, and my love for veggies from Jamie Oliver. The ever-so-charming Brit had a show where he taught littler ones the benefits of healthy eating and of better acquainting themselves with all the vegetables of the rainbow. Ever since falling hook, line, and sinker for the Naked Chef’s healthy preachings I now view avocados as being aces, broccoli is my beloved and kale is king. As of late I’ve added a new and adaptable veggie to my liturgy. Continue reading

If Anybody Asks – We’re Just Stargazing


A new year has begun and with it we are given as fresh a slate as we’re ever going to get. The remaining line of dust that we’ve spent 2014 trying to sweep up, can now be swept under the rug so to speak. Forget those nagging neuroses and the to-do items that were never crossed off your list from the past year. You’ve been granted a fresh, gleaming strand of another 365 days to have a go at!  Continue reading

The Winter Face Slap


The winter season is upon us – more specifically – on my face. It is this changing of the seasons that wreaks the most havoc on our poor, unsuspecting skin. You wake up, you see a fresh blanket of marshmallow snow on the lawn, and then you have the bright idea to venture into the winter wonderland to treat yourself to a delectably festive peppermint latté. Bad idea my friend, bad idea. Not only will you return home with a stomach ache from your sickly sweet beverage (womp womp), but your face is now ablaze from the thrashings of that harsh winter wind. It is this time of year that you must rise up against the frosty temperatures, beauty products in hand, and once again become the master of your own face. Resist the winter face slap! Continue reading