Monthly Archives: August 2015

Treat Yo’ Self: Naked Beauty Bar


As I have previously proclaimed on many occasions – I am not a fan of being poked, prodded, and rubbed pampered. Do I like getting my hair cut? Of course I do, I’m not a complete heathen. But do I like getting my head massaged before partaking in said cut? The answer is a big – HELL NO. What about manicures, you ask? Well, I gave them a try once in the 9th grade – but the 40-something manicurist, Jimmy, and his long-haired mole combined with the film of nail dust coating every surface of the salon made for a truly horrifying experience. At the beginning of the summer, however, I noticed that a pristinely lovely salon had opened up in my neighbourhood. I knew it was time to face my fear, and offer myself up for a new manicure experience. Turned out, it wasn’t scary at all – in fact, it was quite wonderful. Let me introduce you to Naked Beauty Bar. Continue reading

Girl Band Hopeful


My sweet mother is constantly calling me out for not having a hobby. “I like fashion, reading, movies, TV, music, *blogging*, eating ‘n cooking, exercising, partying, and doodling! Doesn’t that count?!” I retort with the exasperated angst of my teenage glory. In a way, I guess she is kind of right. I suppose a true hobby is something that lies outside the realm of just plain interests, something that you put your precious time into, and something that you are constantly learning, growing with, and improving on. At the beginning of the summer I hoped to pick up a new hobby, and ladies and gentleman – I have finally landed on a winner – I’m going to learn electric guitar and it’s all thanks to the inspiration that my favourite girl bands have provided me. Continue reading

The Pinhead and Doodad Club


Exhibit A: When we were kids we collected all sorts of trinkets and doodads to adorn our possessions with. We had patches, pins, and stickers coming out of our ears (and probably stuck all over our faces too). Exhibit B: Trends are cyclical. Ipso facto – patches, pins, and other quirky ‘n fun accessories are back with a vengeance and taking the millennial cohort by storm. The world is full of dreamy denim jackets, and totally rad totes, just waiting to be decorated with whimsical and quirky what-nots. Thank the accessory heavens that there are so many wonderful pin makers, patch crafters, and tote masters to choose from!  Continue reading

An Ode To Spooky Tunez


Since a young age I’ve had a strong affinity towards spooky music. I can remember being around the age of 4 or 5, and lying on the floor of my grandmother’s living room, listening to the creepiest children’s song ever – Skin and Bones by Raffi. I absolutely loved it. From my position on the carpet I would make ghostly movements with my fingers and arms, and thoroughly creep myself out listening to the lyrics that described graveyards and bones laying around – but it made no difference – I’d ask to have the song played again, absolutely delighted. Recently I was at a music festival enjoying some of said spooky music when a friend, less enthralled by the glory that is this genre, skeptically (though gently) asked what this type of music was called. Of course I turned to the ever wonderful *spooky* adjective, going on to paint a fuller picture of the sounds we were experiencing by tying in haunted house and Blair Witch imagery. I’m not sure my explanation was very convincing, but it certainly sent chills up my spine. In my mind – the more goosebumps, the better. Here’s a playlist of some of my very favourite spooky tunez.  Continue reading