Tag Archives: girl power

Gal Pal V-Day Tunez


Continuing on the Galentine’s Day train of thought I thought it might be good to focus in on the *spontaneous dance party* portion of your celebration. This is a necessary component to any top notch Galentine’s Day party – well, actually, to any party worth its salt. Spontaneous dance parties are good for the soul and create a bond with your friends like no other. A true spontaneous dance party will have your friends exhibiting dance moves and behaviours you’ve probably never seen before – this is their true silly selves – take it all in and join in the fun. The sheer joy of letting your guard down, dancing your little heart out, and laughing your ass off when you look up and realize the trance-like state of jubilation your pals are in surely will add years to your life. I’ve compiled a list of tunez to help you and your girls get their dance on – so go forth, do as the old adage from our tweens says, and dance like nobody’s watching! Continue reading