Tag Archives: sofia coppola

Friendz 4eva XoXo


As the ‘fairer sex’, we’re told to stick together. Keep your wing women close and your frenemies even closer. Since kindergarten we make friends, play nice, and achieve BFFAEAEAE status. Most of the time these friendships are cupcakes, sprinkles, and shared trips to the lavatory, but sometimes, as it was so insightfully depicted in the movie Mean Girls, these ‘friendships’ can seem more like a lesson in navigating the hierarchy of the wild. Either you’re banding together as a tribe to stand as one, or you’re sworn frenemies. As the old saying goes “it ain’t easy being a girl”, but being a part of a kick a$$ girl tribe certainly helps! Which famous tribe would you want to be a member of??

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Small Spaces: Art Schmart


I like taking every opportunity to infuse my personality into this blog, and revealing some of my quirky insights whenever I can. Today I’m going to talk about my itty bitty, teeny weeny little bedroom.

I’ve lived here for 3 years now, and we’ve all come to the conclusion that this “3rd bedroom” has to have originally been designed as the apartment’s solarium. It’s a lonnnng running joke, “I’ll meet you in the solarium!” “Time for a solarium party!”..things of that nature. And in all seriousness, a solarium party is off the chain. Honestly, I’m quite content with my tiny space and think I’ve done a pretty good job with the space considering its size. There’s pretty much just enough room for a yoga mat, and to kick around need be (a serious requirement I have), but one peak into this room and you know I am the inhabitant. This post is going to focus on what’s hanging on my walls and their stories. Continue reading