Important ANTI Takeaways


Yesterday was hard. Partly because I had a raging head cold. Partly because it was a very gloomy day. But mostly because Rihanna released her new album, ANTI. It was truly difficult to focus and get much done, since all I wanted to do was get better acquainted with the newly released and much anticipated songs – learning the lyrics and melodies. It’s also worth noting that it was especially difficult to dance to, since this cold seems to have wreaked havoc on my equilibrium and energy levels. Thus, the resulting dance moves were wobbly and in slow motion – perhaps I’ll start a new craze that’ll drive the youths wild. Despite the critics divided opinions – ‘it’s messy’, ‘not enough bangers’- I’m into it. I like the overall vibe, the sung sentiments, and especially the variety of badgalriri sounds. Her pop sound is met with an edgier, more creative and personal flare that just proves RiRi’s still got it and then some. Here are 5 poignant takeaway lyrics that will help you live your life with both more clarity and more spunk – á la the badgal herself.  Continue reading

What’s Your Sign, Baby?


I’m no Miss Cleo, and certainly can’t hold a light to Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone, but I do like to dabble in the fine art of horoscope crafting. Am I spiritually in touch with the cosmos? No, not really. Am I qualified to predict your future? Not any more than the next guy. Do I think that reading a positive horoscope may help you to approach the upcoming year, month, week or day with a little more pep in your step? Most definitely. The first month of 2016 is about to come to an end – and in a lot of ways it has thus far felt like the same old shit, just a new year. Leave the *NEW YEAR NEW ME* codswallop in the dust – you’re fine just the way you are. Instead, turn to the stars and demand that they start working for you, honey!  Continue reading

Top Albums of 2015

2015 top tunez

2015 was what it was. I’m not exactly looking back on the past 365 days and feeling particularly victorious or nostalgic. In fact, I’m quite keen for a fresh year to begin and am power posing in preparation. And let’s be honest here, 2016 just sounds way better (#EvenNumbersRule #OddNumbersDrool). 2015 came, it went, and I guess if we’re keeping tabs, it conquered. So what, who cares?! But 2015 wasn’t all bad. Great fashion, great fun, and above all else – absolutely dope tunez. So many wonderful albums sang their wonderful melodies to me that I feel it is my duty to return the favour and sing their praises before the clock strikes midnight. Continue reading

Holiday Film & Drinking Game Guide


My brother and I have always had Christmas Eve traditions that we’re rather *religious* about. In our sweet youth the night consisted of a dramatic reading of The Polar Express by our dad and the lucky boy was allowed to sleep on a mattress on the floor of my bedroom – where we stayed up all night wondering what Santa was laying out for us under the tree. Then came the angsty years where we would hide away from our parents’ friends who would come over for nosh and the two of us would instead down a bag of chips and dip in front of a movie. Now that we’re older we like to prepare a Christmas Eve dinner (usually of seafood, as Italian culture dictates), watch a holiday classic, and drink a decent volume of spiced rum and cokes. We’re a very sophisticated duo my dear brother and I. One year we made the ingenious decision to combine the rum ‘n cokes with the movie watchin’ – and thus, a multitude of holiday drinking games were born! Continue reading

Little Ol’ Me


Being a girl means being many different things at once. It means that at a certain age you discovered the joys of covering things in glitter and colourful stickers. It means feeling rad as hell when holding an electric guitar in your arms, despite your level of talent. It means loving getting your nails done just as much as you love carrying a canoe on your back (and perhaps chipping said nails). It means having a closet full of your favourite colour, whether that be pink, black, or plaid, and rocking it on the daily. It means being able to do an impressive number of push-ups, but not always being able to open the jar of almond butter you so desperately crave. It means benefitting from an emotional intelligence many boys will sadly never know, while also having that same sensitivity devalued or used against you. It can mean whatever you want it to mean, but the older I get, the more I experience and expose myself to, the more I realize that to certain people, what it means to be a girl is set in stone, and with those expectations comes a less than savoury treatment. Continue reading

Let Me Tell You A Little Story…


A story about two of the most generous people I know – Samantha Jackson and Farz Yousefian. I’ve known Sam since kindergarten, and have watched her become a fierce advocate for change, giving herself wholly to any cause she involves herself with. She met her perfect match – Farz – who may very well rival Sam with his kindness and altruistic nature. Together they make an unstoppable team. They had planned their wedding for Spring 2016 – but both, being deeply involved in the efforts towards the Syrian humanitarian crisis, decided to do something amazing.  
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An Ode To Grimes


Excuse me while I fan girl out of orbit for a little but – but guys – Grimes is my all time favourite. My absolute jam. Though I only happened upon her a mere 4 years ago, I’m sure, that on some spiritual level I’ve always loved her. Surely it was written in the cosmos that this was the music for me. This is where my dance moves and attempts at Mariah Carey level pitch flourish. Girly, dancey, pop-y, BUT – and this is important – very, very weird. In a GREAT way. Unique. A perspective on pop that is *fresh*, creative, and experimental. I’ve spent the last few years listening to her previous albums, VisionsGeidi Primes, and Darkbloom with abandon, but her recently released album, Art Angels, has had me completely entranced since my pre-ordered copy popped up on my iPhone 2 weeks ago. It is heaven. Continue reading

Must Watch: Master Of None


Excellent T.V. shows are similar to a passing comet. Majestic in their quality, a wonder to behold, and only obliges we earthlings every so-many years. It’s fleeting, but magnificent . While the networks churn out an endless stream of new shows each season, the truly amazing ones are becoming fewer and farther between. And the ones that start out great tend become trite before the season ends. HBO used to be the go-to for top notch shows, but in this new digital frontier, Netflix is the one to beat. Recently the online streaming service released Master Of None, created by the oh-so-endearing Aziz Ansari – and it’s nothing short of masterful. Continue reading

What I’m Learning About Trying To Learn About Politics


Since I was old enough to vote, I’ve always made an effort to stay politically informed. Admittedly, some years I’ve been more informed than others (something big must have been happening on HBO at the time…). But there are so many think pieces to choose from, that I’m learning it’s hard to ever be wholly in the know. When I go to my browser’s home page (a Canadian news publication) I’ll scroll through the ‘Politics’ section, pick and choose the headings that speak to my interests, seem intriguing, or boast names and subjects I recognize. Or sometimes I’ll turn to my politically savvy pals to take their temperature on our country/province/city’s current political atmosphere. But in this way, I’m only receiving a small portion of the story –  Continue reading

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

social media dosanddonts

Navigating the modern day world is not always straightforward. Social interactions involve reading other people’s personalities and adjusting your behaviour accordingly, which is not necessarily an easy task – especially if you’re lacking in the social skills department – but at least you have one-on-one interactions to work with. #IRL the rules have basically been established for how to connect with another human being properly – don’t hit them, don’t scream in their face, pop a breath mint, listen, respond and just be nice. But with all the never-ending stream of new apps and social media tools we’ve come to accept into our lives via our iPhone appendage, there’s a whole new set of rules to follow and with it a lengthy list of social land mines to avoid. Continue reading